Greg Rohlingers Retirement Celebration
Lots of music and worship.
Pastor Ryan Nunez spoke about Greg and Lori, and we saw several video clips from throughout the years….. Then he introduced the Rohlinger family….
Lori interpreted some of what Greg said. You could see the full range of emotions on his face. It was a bitter sweet celebration, to see what God has done through Greg, and even through his illness was really great. Since he had the brain implant, his health got much worse, then leveled out. He may never walk again, and his voice is small and hard at times hard to understand. The love of Lori and the children for their husband / father was evident in every touch and every look. I’m absolutely sure all four services wore the family out. Our church and family continue to pray for complete healing for Greg Rohlinger and for continued strength for the family.
Palm Valley Church – Sunday March 9, 2014
Praise and Worship team Saturday night.
Pastor Ryan Nunez, addressing Pastor Greg Rohlingers failing health. On Tuesday or Wednesday last week Greg was put into induced coma, with a ventilator. He has double pneumonia, as a result of his MSA, the spincter muscle in his throat is not working correctly, so he has aspirated, breathed liquids, or food into his lungs. As a church we are praying specifically for him to be healed from his double pneumonia, so he can spend some time with his wife and children….
Update Monday March 10 “Praise God, Pastor Greg has been taken off the ventilator and is doing better. Continue to pray for recovery and strength.” from the twitter feed at
Pastor Greg Rohlinger – February 6, 2014
This is an early photo of Greg Rohlinger from Christmas Eve 2005.
This is the first photograph that I posted on my blog early in 2013.
This image is from Christmas 2013.
Greg is having surgery Thursday February 6, 2014, it will be a Deep Brain Stimulation procedure. The doctors using images from an MRI will place some small probes on specific areas of his brain that will intercept the signals causing tremors. He will also have a controller placed in his chest, along with a battery. This will allow his doctor to “dial in” or “program” the probes to the right frequency to best control his symptoms. Our church, “Palm Valley Church” is praying on Thursday for Greg’s surgery, the surgeons, nurses, assistants, technicians, and everyone involved with the procedure. The church will be open from 7am till 7pm. We know Greg is in God’s hands. More on Deep Brain Stimulation here. Pastor Greg Rohlingers Blog here.
Christmas Services Palm Valley Church – December 23, 2013
9 Christmas services across 2 campuses. I was at the first 4 at the Goodyear campus. Pastor Ryan spoke for about 15 minutes, then Pastor Greg came out and essentially just prayed over the congregation. He was looking really good.
Palm Valley Church – December 7, 2013
Child dedication, Pastor Greg praying over the families. He has a walker he uses now, and a scooter rides around on.
Our “Toys n More” was today at Lattie Coor elementry school, where toys and food was available for up to 2000 families. The event was a huge success, left over boxes of food was donated to the local food bank, left over toys were donated to a church in San Diego, local Toys for Tots, the Avondale Police Dept, and the Avondale Fire Dept.
Greg after service, greeting, encouraging, and talking with anyone who was willing to wait in line to talk to him. He always has a smile on his face, always!
Greg, laying his hands on, and praying with couples, families, and ANY one who needs prayer. He is truely amazing. With all he has going on in his life, to administer to anyone in our congregation who needs it. I wonder what Pauls “thorn” was, a health issue? We pray everyday that God heals Greg, but he seems to be reaching so many more people for Jesus Christ with this afflication……
Greg Rohlinger Day – Goodyear, AZ – November 24, 2013
Greg’s father in law Don Engram, who has been a pastor for for 60 years, spoke this weekend at Palm Valley Church. The series is called ROAR! Its about what God can do with us, if we let Him. Lori introduced her father, and in the past 60 years, he has been in 78 countries, flown back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean 76 times, been behind the Iron Curtain, and done some amazing things for God’s Kingdom. Lori also let us know the mayor of Goodyear had officially declared Novemer 24, 2013 as “Greg Rohlinger Day”. Don Engram was born into an abusive home, with NO indoor plumbing, no bathroom, kitchen sink, tub/shower, in a very poor area. He told us how he gave his life to the Lord when he was a freshman in high school, and by the time he was a senior, his parents had split up, and he had no place to live. A pastor invited him to live with their family his senior year, and he stated that was the first time in his life he saw love and respect modeled between a man and his wife. Don went to a bible college, but had a stutter, and was told he would never become a preacher. Don had some great stories about how God was able to use, and help him “roar”.
Saturday night after service, I stood and watched Pastor Greg on his scooter, shake hands, and hug everyone around him. It amazes me to watch him minister and pray over people in the church for whatever they need, as he battles his Multiple System Atrophy. The Parkinson’s symptoms are becoming more pronounced. He has a heart for God’s work, and never complains. He tells me that he is happy just shaking hands, hugging them, and ministering to them any way he can.
Pastor Greg Ronlinger – November 12, 2013
The current series at Palm Valley Church is called ROAR. I was excited to see Greg and his wife Lori along with Ryan Nunez on the stage this past weekend. I appreciate every word he has to say about God and his personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as he continues with his struggles with Multiple System Atrophy. The church body is doing a 7 day fast. Its called the “Daniel Fast“. The Daniel Fast is a plant-based eating plan with the only beverage being water. When the bodies that God designed and created are fed the good quality foods He created especially for it improvements in health result. The high fiber in the fruit, vegetables and whole grains cleanses the body and improves digestion. It’s not uncommon for cholesterol levels to drop, for blood sugar levels to balance, for weight to be lost and for a general feeling of well-being to be experienced. Day 2 of the fast….. so far, so good.
Pastor Greg Rohlinger – August 25, 2013
I’ve talked about Pastor Greg Rohlinger in other posts. Its always a pleasure to hear him preach. He stood most of Saturday nights service, and does not pace as much as he used to. His speech is a little slurred as a result of his illness, but I’m always happy to see him, and to hear him preach God’s word. Our current series is called “Its Complicated“. Lots of things in our lives should be simple……… Shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, EF 70-200 F4 IS L lens, at 200mm, ISO-400, F4, 1/100 sec, mounted on my Bogen tripod. I matched the Kelvin to the new Black Magic video camera we use to record the service, which was set to 3200K.
Pastor Greg Rolinger – May 21, 2013
I volunteer at Palm Valley Church on Saturday nights. I run one of 6 video cameras. This past weekend, I ended up working Saturday night, and all 3 services on Sunday. THis was the last of the series “Beautiful” and Greg looked like he was feeling good. He was up and pacing for most of all 4 services. Shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-400, EF 70-200 L F2.8 IS lens at 200mm, 1/200 sec, at F2.8 using ambiant light, and hand held.
3rd week in a row – April 14, 2013
So Pastor Greg Rohlinger is looking really good lately. He preached 7 services for Easter, and has preached all 4 services last week, and this week. The new series is called “Christian”. Its really good to see him have the strength and energy to do what God has called him to do. Shot with the Canon 30D, ISO-800, F4, 1/200 sec, at 200 mm.
Easter Service – March 30, 2013
I’ve posted about Pastor Greg Rohlinger before. He preached 7 services for Easter, and I was blessed to hear him for 5 of those. The creative/media team did an AWSOME job with the video, and music presentation. I ran one of the robotic camera’s for 5 of the services. I missed the 2:PM Saturday, and the last Sunday 12:PM services. Paster Greg looked like he is doing good as far as his health is concerned. I love to see him and hear him talk about the Work of God. This was shot during the Saturday 6PM service. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-800, F4, 200mm, at 1/125 sec. Hand help, no flash.
Pastor Greg Rohlinger – January 13, 2013
Lead Pastor Greg Rohlinger. I will finish this post after church this morning. In the meantime you can find out more at OK we’re home. The above image was taken during one of 7 Christmas services December 23rd or 24th. The series at church for the new year is CLEAN SLATE. Greg shared quite a bit about his struggles over the past 18-24 months after being diagnosed with Multiple System Atrophy. Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a rare condition that causes symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease. However, patients with MSA have more widespread damage to the part of the nervous system that controls important functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sweating. The cause is unknown. MSA develops gradually and is most often diagnosed in men older than 60. There is no cure for MSA, and there is no known way to prevent the disease from getting worse. The goal of treatment is to control symptoms. The outcome is poor. Loss of mental and physical functions slowly get worse. Early death is likely. The typical survival time from the time of diagnosis is 7 to 9 years. Greg was 41 when diagnosed and is the youngest person with MSA. Our church, and the greater west valley area are praying for a miracle and complete healing. Its incredibly humbling to hear him speak about how God is using him to reach out to people he would have never came in contact with, except for this debilitating illness. He is and continues to be a very inspiring speaker. Greg…. “KEEP ON ROCKING”.