Pork Chops on the grill
Red bell peppers, zucchini, 1″ thick sirloin pork chops, and baby red and golden potatoes…… Yum!!!!
More Zachary – March 20, 2014
More pictures of Zachary. The top image is over sharpened, and the contrast is boosted up, except on the skin tones. Zachary is such a good little man. ALWAYS so happy. He is looking at ….. his dad! If he sat still for more than a minute or two, I could get him to look anywhere I wanted, as long as his dad was there. Even crawling and running around, he always knew where dad was. DJ and Zachary were a blast to photograph. Hope you enjoy the pictures!!! All images shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, EF 24-105 F4 IS L lens, a Canon 580 EX II Speedlight camera mounted for flash fill.
Estrella Mountain Ranch – March 19, 2014
I took a couple of shots out at Estrella Mountain Park, around the lake. Weekends there are photographers all over the place. I was out here on a Monday, and not a lot of photographers. Lots of very beautiful areas for portraits. Canon 5D Mark II, EF 17-40 F4 L lens, both images at 17mm. I was wanting to be very wide.
Zachary – March 18, 2014
DJ and Zachary wanted some family photo’s so we made a trip to the Estrella Mountain Ranch, lake area. Zachary was not feeling 100%, but you would never know it watching him walk, and crawl around. DJ and I were kept busy chasing the little guy. This is one of my favorites of the day. Other images from the shoot can be seen here. All images shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, EF 24-105 F4 L lens, with a .6 ND filter to knock down the sun just a little, and then a Canon 580 EX II Speedlight was camera mounted for flash fill. This image as shot at F4, creating some really good bokeh, (the blurred background).
Weekend Chores – March 17, 2014
H A P P Y S A I N T P A T R I C K S D A Y!!
Blowing off the driveway, walkway, sidewalk, and street. Then mowing the front yard. Then spreading a “weed and feed” fertilizer. Last ….. add water. All 297 images shot with the 30D, EF 17-40 F4 L lens at 17mm. 1 image soht every 10 seconds.
Full Moon – March 16, 2014 9:30PM
So the difference between a DSLR with a “full frame” sensor, and a “cropped” APS C sized sensor is very noticable when you are shooting a full moon. Tripod mounted, both shot within 5 minutes or so of each other. Both using the EF 70-200 F2.8 IS “L” lens. The left moon is shot at 200 mm with the Canon 5D Mark II, with a 35mm, or full frame sensor. The right image was shot with my Canon 30D with a APS C, or cropped sensor. The 200 mm lens gets multiplied by 1.6, the crop factor of the lens, equaling 320 mm. I’l post a shot tomorrow using the EF 17-40 F4 “L” lens, at 17 mm, from both cameras to show the difference at the other end of the spectrum.
Full disclosure….. the image above is the size the moon appears at 200mm, and 320mm respectively. The top picture has the exact same perspective, I just cropped the moon at full size to enahance the difference.
Steel Tree – March 14, 2014
So Josh, Josiah, and James were supposed to go shoot after work on Tuesday. One of us came up with an excuse, the other two had a blast. We went to the Gilbert riparian preserve. About 6 or 7 miles from work. The weather was nice, the area is starting to green up, lots of birds, and bunnies. Josiah was shooting a rare ivory-billed woodpecker in a tree. I was able to shoot a dodo, or a doodoo, I’ve heard it both ways. I always enjoy shooting with other photographers, as I always come away learning something new, or gaining a new perspective. Josh, hope you can make it next time!
Palm Tree Trimming – March 10, 2014
So I set up the Canon 30D to take a shot every 5 minutes, and trimmed the first of 3 palm trees. 1 picture of the tree, before, and 1 picture of the tree, after. Thats not going to be a very exiciting time lapse video…. Second tree, I set up to take a picture every 1 minute 30 seconds. 5 pictures total….. 3re and last palm tree, I took a picture every 10 seconds…. heres the results….
Palm Valley Church – Sunday March 9, 2014
Praise and Worship team Saturday night.
Pastor Ryan Nunez, addressing Pastor Greg Rohlingers failing health. On Tuesday or Wednesday last week Greg was put into induced coma, with a ventilator. He has double pneumonia, as a result of his MSA, the spincter muscle in his throat is not working correctly, so he has aspirated, breathed liquids, or food into his lungs. As a church we are praying specifically for him to be healed from his double pneumonia, so he can spend some time with his wife and children….
Update Monday March 10 “Praise God, Pastor Greg has been taken off the ventilator and is doing better. Continue to pray for recovery and strength.” from the twitter feed at http://www.palmvalley.org/
Tempe Call Center – March 6, 2014
There were burgers galore at the roof topping off event at GoDaddy’s new Tempe call center.
This wide opening is a window that can be fully opened in good weather, the cafe will be inside. The beam above everyone’s head is the one that was signed last week.
The beam will get coated with fire proofing material.
The building will be VERY open, and you will be able to see from one end to the other.
Looking from the second phase towards the first phase from the second floor. The steel workers are really flying along.
I love to be able to go up to the roof. You really get a scope of how big this building will be.
I’m on the end of the building from phase 2, looking back towards phase 1. The roof has multiple layers of foam insulation, with a rubber material over the top of that. The roof is designed to funnel the water from the building and move it into the lake across the street.
Some small vents to handle air flow into the building.
Looking at the roof on phase 1, before the foam and coating go on. This area was off – limits. Again SAFETY first.
Camera sitting on the wall, pointing to the stairs.
Looking to the Ryan job trailors…. did I mention that I like having roof access?
The windows are in on most of the phase 2 areas, the beams have been fire proofed.
All images shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, EF 24-105 F4 L lens, the Canon Speedlight 580 EX II camera mounted for flash fill, and for most of the indoor pictures. ALL of the images I’ve shot so far of the project are here. (most of them) Sworn to secrecy, remember….?
Cactus flower – May 18, 2013
This flower comes from a cactus that is sometimes reffered to as an Easter Lilly cactus. These cacti bloom close to Easter. Jaz noticed this one getting ready to bloom, so I set the 30D up on a tripod with the timer and took the above pictures. Total elapsed time was just under 3 hours.
Easter Sunday Egg Hunt? – March 31, 2013
Valerie and Jazmin wanted some pictures taken at Tom’s house on Easter Sunday. Jaz picked up an egg that was hidden in the crook of a tree, and the above picture was the result of finding an egg. They are both happy and excited, sometimes you get a toy, or candy, or some of the eggs contain cash.
Some of the eggs contain NOTHING AT ALL! It was a very sad moment when Jaz opened the egg, and it was completely empty.
Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-50, F8, 1/160 sec, 135 mm, Speedlight 580 EX II mounted on camera for flash fill.
Easter Service – March 30, 2013
I’ve posted about Pastor Greg Rohlinger before. He preached 7 services for Easter, and I was blessed to hear him for 5 of those. The creative/media team did an AWSOME job with the video, and music presentation. I ran one of the robotic camera’s for 5 of the services. I missed the 2:PM Saturday, and the last Sunday 12:PM services. Paster Greg looked like he is doing good as far as his health is concerned. I love to see him and hear him talk about the Work of God. This was shot during the Saturday 6PM service. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-800, F4, 200mm, at 1/125 sec. Hand help, no flash.
Rons Cake – March 29, 2013
So they wanted a cake that looks like a monitor. This is the end result from Jaz. The mouse is also made of cake. Carot cake, covered with home made fondant. They let her know that everyone enjoyed the cake, and loved the way it looked. Ron and his wife had approx 100 people for his birthday. There was also a round cake covered with fondant and decorated with different colored fondant circles. Shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-250, F8, 1/160 sec, 38mm, Speedlight 580 EX II camera mounted and bounced of the ceiling.
Succulent? – March 28, 2013
This succulent?, cactus, aloe vera, is at the Pointe South Mountain, and was shot March 28, 2012. The top does not look nearly as menacing. Shot with the Canon 30D, ISO-100, F9, 27mm, 1/160 second.
Brick Dust – March 27, 2013
So this is what the ground looks like after cutting 4-5 bricks. The whole side yard looked like this and was totally covered in brick dust the day I cut 60-80 bricks. Shot with the Canon 30D, ISO-100, 40mm, F8, 1/160 sec.
Cutting Clay Bricks – March 26, 2013
I finished the round planter yesterday, so the project is nearing completion. This is the last brick getting an angle cut on both ends, so it can make a tighter radius or turn. The brick has been soaking in a bucket of water for 30-45 minutes, and is soaked all the way through. If the brick was dry, the red clay dust would be 20-30 times dustier. Because the brick is soaked through the dust settles or drops to the ground almost immediately. When cutting dry bricks you have a massive cloud of red dust in the air for 5-10 minutes. All the cats track into the house the clay dust on their paws. Sheri Lynn will be glad when this project is done. You can see the round planter in the left bottom corner with most of the top row already on. No morter between the joints yet. Shot with the Canon 30D, ISO-100, 27mm, F4, 1/60 sec.
5′ Round Brick Planter – March 25, 2013
So the side yard project is drawing closer to completion. I finished the round planter today. The black tube is for drip irrigation, and needs to be tied into the existing network of black tubing lurking underground. Some of the “nut grass” is coming up with the warmer weather, high 80’s, low 90’s. Everything green got another treatment of Roundup yesterday, so hopefully it will die out for good. I have some pavers to put down to seperate the grass from the rocks, and pavers for “stepping stones”, and then a couple ton of rock to put down, fill the round planter with dirt, and mulch, find a really big “pot” to put in this planter, and then I’ll be done. Shot today, March 25th, 2013 with the Canon 30D, ISO-100, 27mm, 1/60 sec, with the pop-up flash enabled.
Max on a Shelf – March 24, 2013
OK, OK, OK. Yes I put Max on the shelf for this picture. I did’nt think he would jump up there by himself. He is very dumb at times, but I also dont think he would try to climb the tree Jaz painted on her wall. The cute look is just to disarm you, then he reeks havok on anything, and everything. He is the bully of the 3 cats. He is also always wanting to bring in birds, or lizards into the house to eat. I guess he would rather get take in, then eat out. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-50, 40mm, F8, 1/60 sec, Speedlight 580 EX II mounted on the camera.
Shadows and Reflections – March 23, 2013
This a neat shot with shadows, and reflections. Taken by the Phoenix Zoo, with Josiah after work last year in March. We were in a small patch of shade, shooting into the light. The sky way a brilliant shade of blue, which reflected nicely onto the water. You can almost see into the water in some of the areas. Shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-50, 35mm, F8, 1/25 sec., Bogan tripod to help with the slow shutter speed.
South Mountain College Music Building “HDR” – March 22, 2013
This is a composite of 3 images, and processed through Photoshop CS5 as HDR. This image was shot March 22, 2012, again on my way home from BJ’s house. Some sections of the music building are raw steel, and rust. Very unique and fun to photograph. Shot directly into the sun, using my tripod to try to bring out all of the details of the building. Shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-50, 19mm, F8, at 1/20 sec.
Railroad Car – March 21, 2013
When I go see BJ, or Randy on by way home from work, I don’t get back on the freeway, but travel the “back roads”. I always enjoy the scenery. This image was shot March 21, 2012. I like trains and there was a string of cars setting just off the road, so I stopped the car, and walked across the street, and took some pictures of the graffiti on the train cars. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-50, 17mm, F8, 1/30 second.