Tempe Town Lake – December 29, 2013
I worked an overtime shift Sunday night that ended about 11:30pm or so. I drive home past Tempe Town Lake, and the water appearead to be as smooth as glass. I got off the freeway, and got the tripod and camera gear out. All images are taken with 5 to 30 second exposures. All images with the Canon 5D Mark II, EF 24-105 F4 IS L lens. ALL images from this shoot are here.
GoDaddy’s New Tempe Call Center – December 26, 2013
Some of the “walls” that were poured in place, have the “moulds” removed. The others have been “poured” since last week. Also a new crane is on site, along with some new steel girders? Looks like they are getting to put the first couple of walls into place. More “dirt work” is also being done. All pictures taken with the Canon 5D Mark II, EF 70-200 F2.8 IS L lens. ALL OF THE PHICTURES I’VE TAKEN OF THE NEW CALL CENTER ARE HERE.
Christmas Services Palm Valley Church – December 23, 2013
9 Christmas services across 2 campuses. I was at the first 4 at the Goodyear campus. Pastor Ryan spoke for about 15 minutes, then Pastor Greg came out and essentially just prayed over the congregation. He was looking really good.
School Winter Program – December 19, 2013
I had the pleasure of running one of the video cameras last Tuesday and Thursday nights for a local school’s winter singing program. 2nd, 3rd, & 4th grades on Tuesday, and 5th, and 6th grades Thursday night. This is the second grade. It seems like the kids and parents had a good time. Lots of cameras and ipads recording the event. Shot from the video camera area at the back of Palm Valley Church, with the Canon 5D Mark II, EF 70-200 F2.8 IS L glass, hand held, ISO-200, F2.8, 1/60 sec. Very little to no bluring from movement.
Happy Birthday Janey – December 17, 2013
Happy Birthday Sis!! Tempe Town Lake. Late night shot taken after working an overtime shift that ended at 11:00pm. Tripod mounted, 5 second exposure. Taken with the Canon 5D Mark II, EF 70-200 F2.8 IS L glass, at 70mm, F5.6, and ISO 200. There was a slight breeze, and the wind coming off the water really made it to cold. (For Arizona).
GoDaddy’s Holiday Party December 14, 2013
So a little bit about this years Holiday Party. Bob Parsons and his wife Renee along with GoDaddy donated 2 million dollars the the Semper Fi Foundation. Blake Irvine GoDaddy’s CEO was also a guest drummer for Big Blast and the Party Masters. Employees were randomly drawn to win $1K, $5K, $10K, and $25K after taxes. Congratulations to the luck winners. That includes EB & Mac!!! Ke$ha and Snoop Dogg were the entertainment at this years party. To see more of the images I shot click here.
GoDaddy’s New Tempe Call Center UpDate – December 9, 2013
Saturday after work I stopped by the call center to see what progress had been made…. quite a lot. The exterior block fence is coming along nicely. Several of the “poured in place walls” look like they are ready, or close to ready for concrete. Lots of regular and decorative concrete block on pallets, bags of concrete, or morter, scaffolding ready to errect for the block layers. I’m sure additional progress is being made on infrastructure that is not visible from outside the fences.
Palm Valley Church – December 7, 2013
Child dedication, Pastor Greg praying over the families. He has a walker he uses now, and a scooter rides around on.
Our “Toys n More” was today at Lattie Coor elementry school, where toys and food was available for up to 2000 families. The event was a huge success, left over boxes of food was donated to the local food bank, left over toys were donated to a church in San Diego, local Toys for Tots, the Avondale Police Dept, and the Avondale Fire Dept.
Greg after service, greeting, encouraging, and talking with anyone who was willing to wait in line to talk to him. He always has a smile on his face, always!
Greg, laying his hands on, and praying with couples, families, and ANY one who needs prayer. He is truely amazing. With all he has going on in his life, to administer to anyone in our congregation who needs it. I wonder what Pauls “thorn” was, a health issue? We pray everyday that God heals Greg, but he seems to be reaching so many more people for Jesus Christ with this afflication……
Cars – December 6, 2013
I stopped at Pep Boys on my way home. The bug was sitting there just begging for its picture to be taken. My buddy Josiah is a VW guy, this shot is for him.
This Olds Cutlas was driving down the freeway. Steady 65 mph, not that it would attract any attention. I’m not even sure it would be considered “street legal”. Shot out of the front, and side windows. Someone has a lot of cash involved in this project.
Rosalie Messner – December 4, 2013
Hallway outside Rosalie’s hospital room.
Rosalie had her hip replaced today. In reality they replaced the ball on the end of her femur that goes into the hip. All went really well, and she will be walking tomorrow with a walker, and be home by Friday. This was shot around 7:30pm, her surgery was at approx 3pm and was complete at approx 5pm. She was, and is doing really good.
GoDaddy’s new Tempe Call Center – December 3, 2013
It looks like things are moving along …. Lots of rebar in forms for the walls to get poured in place. Footers and bottom row of block in place for the fences around the outside of the building property.
31 Days to go…. – December 1, 2013
31 Days in December. I’ve posted 433 photographs so far this year, and 3 videos. I’ve lost a very close friend. I’ve learned to respect people who blog, or photo blog, because it takes a tremendous ammount of time and effort to keep up with it. This is a led solar light in Jeff’s back yard. Shot Thanksgiving night. Canon 5D Mark II, 70-200 EF 2.8 IS L glass. ISO-100, 200mm, F2.8, 1/25 sec.
10,000 – November 30, 2013
OK, this does NOT look like much. Jeff had this “candle” on a table out back for Thanksgiving. It’s a gel pot, or candle. None of those things pertain to the 10,000, though. This is the 10,000th picture taken with my Canon 5D Mark II. ISO-200, F2.8, 200mm, 1/13th sec. Hand held shot. This lens is incredible.
Happy Thanksgiving – November 28, 2013
I’m thankful for so much, family, friends, my job, etc., etc. I’m the most thankful for my beautiful wife putting up with me for the last 25+ years. Thanksgiving dinner was at Jeff’s house. This is in his backyard. Shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, and my 70-200 F2.8 IS L lens at F2.8 with existing light only. Hand held. ISO-200, 1/40 sec, 135mm.
Happy Birthday Dad – November 27, 2013
Jazmin made her grandfather a Euchre cake for his birthday a couple of years ago. Its his birthday again…. Happy Birthday Thomas Messner!!!!
Go Daddy’s New Tempe Call Center – November 26, 2013
I stopped by the new call center on my way home Saturday after work. With all the rain we got on Friday, and Saturday, the site is all mud, and puddles. Scaffolding has been delivered and is stacked up against the fence. Block for the fences is staged, the cement is on a pallet, double wrapped in plastic to keep it dry. Things look like they are progressing nicely. All images shot with Canon 5D Mark II, with 70-200 EF 2.8 IS L glass. My first images with this lens.
Greg Rohlinger Day – Goodyear, AZ – November 24, 2013
Greg’s father in law Don Engram, who has been a pastor for for 60 years, spoke this weekend at Palm Valley Church. The series is called ROAR! Its about what God can do with us, if we let Him. Lori introduced her father, and in the past 60 years, he has been in 78 countries, flown back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean 76 times, been behind the Iron Curtain, and done some amazing things for God’s Kingdom. Lori also let us know the mayor of Goodyear had officially declared Novemer 24, 2013 as “Greg Rohlinger Day”. Don Engram was born into an abusive home, with NO indoor plumbing, no bathroom, kitchen sink, tub/shower, in a very poor area. He told us how he gave his life to the Lord when he was a freshman in high school, and by the time he was a senior, his parents had split up, and he had no place to live. A pastor invited him to live with their family his senior year, and he stated that was the first time in his life he saw love and respect modeled between a man and his wife. Don went to a bible college, but had a stutter, and was told he would never become a preacher. Don had some great stories about how God was able to use, and help him “roar”.
Saturday night after service, I stood and watched Pastor Greg on his scooter, shake hands, and hug everyone around him. It amazes me to watch him minister and pray over people in the church for whatever they need, as he battles his Multiple System Atrophy. The Parkinson’s symptoms are becoming more pronounced. He has a heart for God’s work, and never complains. He tells me that he is happy just shaking hands, hugging them, and ministering to them any way he can.
Old Car – Yarnell, AZ – November 23, 2013
November 2006. My beautiful wife Sheri Lynn and I, along with our friend Brian went for a drive up through Yarnell, and into Prescott for the day. We drove through some residential neighborhoods, and saw this really old rusted out car in a front yard. Above is the “original” image rendered into a jpeg.
Above image after a little Photoshop magic, to make the background less “urban”. I remember spending hours playing in Photoshop on this image. 2 more examples below of the same image but different looks.
Shot with the Canon Rebel XT, ISO-100, 25mm, F4, 1/640 sec.
Packard at sunset – November 22, 2013
Ryan Messner’s 1950 Packard. This is an early November 2004 image. Shot with the Olympus C750UZ, processed in Photoshop, with the saturation bumped way up.
Drainage Pipe – November 21, 2013
Looking back at some photographs from Novembers past……. My wife says I’m drawn to drainage pipes, you know the ones big enoug to walk in hunched over, they are like a telescope pointing and drawing your attention to whatever they are pointed at. Sunset is a good time to look thru these telescopes…. shot 11/28/2004 at 5:14 PM, 10 min or so before sunset. Olympus C750UZ. This camera took very good quality images.
Bug Party – November 19, 2013
Not what sure what kind of bugs these are…? Shot in my neighbors front yard 11/24/2005 with my Olympus C750UZ, ISO-50, F6.3, 1/25 sec, at 11mm focal length.
New Windsor Hotel – November 18, 2013
The New Windsor Hotel in downtown Phoenix is not so new. I could’nt find a whole lot of information on it, but it looks like its been here for awhile. I was driving thru downtown just before dawn, and had to shoot this with the neon sign blaring out “take my picture”, or “New Windsor Hotel”, one of the two.
City Hall – November 14, 2013
This is a sunburst on the front of city of Phoenix’s city hall. I’ve always liked the building, and the sunburst, but never photographed it before. Canon 5D Mark II, EF 24-105 F4 IS L lens, ISO 100, 1/200 sec.