5 Tons of 1″ Palimino Gold – April 12, 2013
So its time for another update on my side yard project. 5 tons of rock, equals 10,000 pounds. Let me put that another way. 29 wheel barrows full with rock. 40 shovels full of rock equal 1 wheel barrow full. 1160 shovels full of rock, and that’s just to move the rock from the driveway to the side yard. The project if nearing completion. Lots of sweat, and sore muscles. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-100, F4, 17mm, 1/30 sec.
Side Yard 2 – March 12, 2013
Taken from the opposite angle of the first Side Yard photo. You can see the “pots” with their succulants planted. The “footer” and the first row of bricks are in place. You can tell the grass has been killed, and you can also see piles of bricks waiting to be laid. Black snakes of drip line are waiting to be burried once the planters are completed. The clay bricks for the curves, and the circle planter laid out in the middle of the yard have been cut with about a nine degree angle on both ends, to form a tighter circle, or curve. I cut approx 80 bricks, at both ends. Skill saw with a diamond blade. To keep the “clay dust” down the bricks were soaked in water for 45 minutes to an hour first. I will post a picture of me cutting one soon. The yard is full of clay mud/dust. My beautiful wife is glad that most of the cuts are done, as the saw is very loud, and the dust is being tracked into the house. NOT by me, its the cats….. 🙂 Canon 30D, ISO-100, 17mm, F8, 1/40 sec. Shot taken 3/13/2013.
Side Yard – March 10, 2013
So this is the view we have out of the kitchen window, and from the livingroom, and from the dining room. Its our side yard. The plants against the house are always green and beautiful. The problem is, you can’t see them from any of the windows. What you can see is some patchy grass, some dirt most of the year, and this fence. In the far right of this picture you can see some bricks that make up a planter in the corner of my back yard. This project will have me building a brick planter along the fence, and a round planter in the middle of the yard. there will be a row of pavers that seperate the grass, from pavers, and granite. In this photo, I’ve already capped off all of the sprinklers, and an in the process of moving two sprinklers to new locations. The “grass” to the left of the row of bricks has been treated with Round Up, to kill it. I’ll post more pictures, as I continue to work on this project. Shot with the Canon 30D, 17mm, ISO-100, F8, 1/160 sec, on my Bonan Tripod.