Same mountains different storm – August 29, 2013
I spent some time with BJ today after work. He was not feeling well. We talked about what he had eaten so far today…. some grits and a sausage patty. It was 3 p.m. He’s not eating, and food does not taste good. It’s hard seeing a good friend in this state. I’ll continue to spend as much time with BJ as possible. Driving home God blessed me with another storm rolling over the top of the Estrella Mountains. I spent more than an hour watching, and driving down roads, most unpaved trying to get closer. The sky was magnificent! Today was the first time, in a long time that I wished I had the EF 17-40 lens with me. I love the EF 24-105, but I would have liked having the wider angle for the sky. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-200, EF 24-105 F4 IS L glass, at 24mm, and 85mm, F8, 1-160 sec.
Guinness – May 13, 2013
Sometimes there is nothing better than relaxing after a long drive with an old friend, and a couple of new friends, with an ice cold beer. This is in an Irish Pub on Whisky Row, in Prescott, Az. The Guiness was mine. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-400, F4, EF24-105 F4 L IS, at 105mm, 1/100 sec, natural light, from the window to the right. The new glass is tack sharp, and I’m loving it.