South Mountain College Music Building “HDR” – March 22, 2013
This is a composite of 3 images, and processed through Photoshop CS5 as HDR. This image was shot March 22, 2012, again on my way home from BJ’s house. Some sections of the music building are raw steel, and rust. Very unique and fun to photograph. Shot directly into the sun, using my tripod to try to bring out all of the details of the building. Shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-50, 19mm, F8, at 1/20 sec.
Caterpillar – January 30, 2013
These caterpillars are normally crawling around moving dirt at the 303/I-10 interchange. Its a rainy Sunday 01/27/2013 and they seem to be getting some rest. This image is really 3 images combined to make 1, with a Higher Dynamic Range. High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI or HDR) is a set of methods used in imaging and photography to allow a greater dynamic range between the lightest and darkest areas of an image than current standard digital imaging methods or photographic methods. HDR images can represent more accurately the range of intensity levels found in real scenes, from direct sunlight to faint starlight, and is often captured by way of a plurality of differently exposed pictures of the same subject matter, 3 to 5 images with different exposure.
Adobe Photoshop has a “merge to HDR” function that was used on this image. Contrast, Sharpening, and Saturation are also bumpedĀ up a little bit. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-400, F8, 1/320 sec, 75mm, tripod used.