Photo a Day Challenge

Posts tagged “Billy Starr

BJ STARR – October 4, 2013

BJ Starr 5

February 2013 Jerita, Billy, and Deborah.

BJ Starr 3

Jennifer, Billy, and Joncie.

BJ Starr 4

Billy and Emil.

BJ Starr 2

Eric and Billy.

BJ Starr 1

Jim and Billy.

BJ Starr lost his battle with cancer on Friday October 4th 2013, at approx 6:10 PM. I sit here crying as I type this entry for my blog. I spent about an hour with BJ on Thursday, he was not very responsive, but when I left, he knew who I was, I let him know I would be by tomorrow after work, and that I was thinking about him, and praying for him. The very same way I ended my conversations, and visits for the last 3+ years since he found out he had cancer. Friday I spend about an hour or so with Billy, who was visably worse, and his breathing had become labored. I let him know I would see him on Saturday, he nodded his head. That was the only response I got from him. During my visit, Deborah came by, and honked when she got to her brothers house, because “I was in her parking spot”, a running joke between us. I was in the room with Billy, and witnessed a very special moment between Deborah and Billy. She cradled his head and told him ” I love you big brother. We’ve got it, you can relax and let go,… Mom and Daddy are waiting for you, and we’ll be along soon, Dont worry about anything, we’ve got it. Relax and let go.” I was choked up with emotion, and thought how beautiful. Deborah left to go to work. I called Jerita and let her know I was headed home and about Deborah and Billy’s moment. I assured her I would come by on Saturday….. Before I was even home, Michael, Billys room mate called me and let me know Billy had passed, I turned around and went. It was tough to drive and cry at the same time. I tried to be strong for Deborah, Jerita, and Joncie. Several friends and neighbors were there, as was his son Eric. We held hands and recited the 23rd psalm. I will miss you Billy Starr!


The above pictures were shot in February 2013 at the viewing for Billy, deborah, and Jerita’s Daddy.

Billy Starr – February 18, 2013


This is my friend Billy Starr. BJ to most people. I met BJ when I was working at Fry’s Electronics. We had lots of common interests. Computers, electronics in general, technology in general, science fiction, old muscle cars. You get the idea. Photography was the icing on the cake. Billy and I have spent many hours shooting, critiquing, and in general talking about photography, photography equipment, you get the idea. Billy also is a Canon shooter, which makes it nice when one of us needs to borrow equipment for a shoot. Billy is having some health issues, and so now we spend more time talking about life. Billy knows I pray for his health each and every day.

Canon 30D, ISO-400, 17-40mm L glass at 40mm,  F8, 1/1600 sec, 580 EX strobe on camera with High Speed Sync enabled. Shot right outside of BJ’s front door.

My Dad – February 16, 2013


OK. I admit it. I did not take this photograph. I did some slight restoration, though. Let me introduce you to my dad. James Larkin Pattison Jr. I am the third. This may be the only photograph I own of my father, a man I really never new. My parents divorced when I was 5, maybe. I’m told that I saw him 2-3 times, strike that. I’m told that he came to see me 2-3 times over the next 4-5 years, but I really don’t remember. I’m told he was angry with me the last time he came to visit, and grabbed an oleander switch, and beat me with it across the back of my legs, until I had bright red welts, and could not stand any longer. As an adult, I never knew my dad. I remember getting a phone call, letting me know he had passed away. I did not think I cared. I did. The opportunity to ever know him, or have a relationship with him was gone. At least in this life.

This post is dedicated to Billy Starr Senior, who by all counts was a good man, a good husband, and a good father. I attended a viewing this evening, to support his son, my friend BJ, and his sisters Jerita, and Deborah. I never got a chance to really know Billy Sr. I met him lots of times, but dementia, and Alzheimer’s took him away from his family a long time ago. Evidence of his stature, and his goodness, is his children, and grandchildren, and how they conduct themselves, with integrity.  I’m a better person for knowing them, and spending time with them. Thank you BJ for allowing me to be a small part of your life.