Magic Mushrooms – January 14, 2013
My brother in law Jeff has a cabin up north by the Mogollon Rim. It is close to 7000 feet elevation. On August 8, 2010 Jazmin and I were driving along one of the rim roads, doing a little exploring. Jaz told me she had seen some “Mario” mushrooms. I laughed. I’ve seen wild mushrooms, but never red capped white spotted “Mario” mushrooms. She insisted, I turned around and we went back for a look. She was right. I parked and we got out of the Pilot, and I still did not see the mushrooms till we were 5 feet away. She has incredible eyesight. This was shot with my Canon 30D, 17-40mm L glass at 40mm, F4, 1/160 sec, and ISO-200. I did some research when we got home from our stay at the cabin, and found out that these mushrooms are Amanita muscaria and are indeed “magic”, being noted for their hallucinogenic properties.