Photo a Day Challenge


Superbowl Sunday flight


Foggy morning – there were 4 blimps over the skys in the west valley for the Superbowl. Prepping for launch.

Greg Rohlingers Retirement Celebration

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Lots of music and worship.

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Pastor Ryan Nunez spoke about Greg and Lori, and we saw several video clips from throughout the years….. Then he introduced the Rohlinger family….

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Lori interpreted some of what Greg said. You could see the full range of emotions on his face. It was a bitter sweet celebration, to see what God has done through Greg, and even through his illness was really great. Since he had the brain implant, his health got much worse, then leveled out. He may never walk again, and his voice is small and hard at times hard to understand. The love of Lori and the children for their husband / father was evident in every touch and every look. I’m absolutely sure all four services wore the family out. Our church and family continue to pray for complete healing for Greg Rohlinger and for continued strength for the family.

OUCH! Leg 1 week later

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