Just over 4 weeks to go – July 24, 2014
This is one of the controllers in the pump room. It means the AC is working, and the temperature inside is nice and cool… at least the second floor.
The doors are in the process of being installed. These doors will open up to the fun areas, the basketball court, and other amenities.
The doors get unlocked, then they slide to the side where they stack. Really slick.
Main lobby area, main staircase.
Just a hallway upstairs right off the cafe area. Finished. Has a very clean look to it.
800 cubicles are going to be on the second floor. They look good. I would say about 30-40% of them are installed. Several crews assembling them.
The covered parking areas are coming along. Rumor says solar panels will cover the parking areas….
Outside planters are springing up overnight. Lots of concrete and block work going on….
The basketball area arms are in place, and now some huge forms for concrete along the base of each.
Favorite image of the day…. As always all images shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, EF 24-105 F4 IS L lens. Inside shots lit with the Canon Speedlight 580 EX II. All images shot so far can be seen here.
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