Diablo Canyon – April 27, 2013
One of the most expensive parts of the railroad systems in place in the US is the crossing over Diable Canyon. When the original surveyors did their survey, they missed the canyon. Within a half a mile is the remnants from the buildings that housed the workers. The original bridge has been replaced several times over. It is crazy loud when a train goes over the tracks and you are anywhere near the bridge. Some people are even under the bridge, on a walkway as this train is crossing over the bridge. Crazy. I’m standing on a platform used to change signals, maybe? Approx 6-8 feet up from the ground, and the train passing by caused the metal permanent structure to sway 2-3 feet. Crazy. Canon 30D, ISO-100, 70-200 F4 L glass, at 120mm, 1-320 sec, at F13.
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