Back Porch – February 1, 2013
Its been 1 month since I started this project. There are several reasons for me starting this blog. I have been incredibly blessed in my life with family and friends, and have been told that I have a “good eye” for making pictures. I enjoy photography. Its a passion. I have amassed lots of photos. Sheri Lynn, my beautiful wife says I don’t ever delete ANY pictures. Part of this project if for me to re-visit some of the pictures I’ve taken, and to better organize them. Also I have people in my life who are struggling, or who have been diagnosed with life threatening illnesses, and this is my tribute to their inner strength. Their hope. Their very will to live. I’m praying for each of them.
Back Porch. July 25, 2005. This image was created with the Olympus C750UZ saved in tiff, ISO-50, f2.8, 6mm, 1/40 sec. In looking back a couple days after I took this picture, I wanted to re-visit the site, and shoot it in better light. Too late, it had been completely bull dozed and hauled away.
Today I also updated the background image. Its red jalapeno peppers, and bright orange habanero peppers. Any one who knows me will know why. (Another passion.)