Jessica & John – September 7, 2014
Jessica and John after dinner Thursday night at Fudruckers.
Jazmin & Jessica – sisters!
The 5 of us Sunday morning after Starbucks….
Happy Birthday Sheri Lynn – June 2, 2013
This picture is from last years San Diego trip. You’re not getting older, you’re getting better. I Love You!!!
My Valentine – February 14, 2013
This is my very beautiful wife Sheri Lynn. She is my Valentine. She is my only Valentine. She has been my Valentine for 26 plus years. We had known each other for more than 15 years when we got married. June we will celebrate 25 years of marriage. I thank God every day for bringing Sheri Lynn into my life. In so many ways she completes me. She puts up with me, which is saying quite a bit. Sheri Lynn Happy Valentines Day, I Love You and cant wait to see you tonight.