Giant Sunflowers II – May 16, 2013
What a difference a year can make. The side yard is complete, plants, (including sunflowers) are planted and growing. Jazmin has planted a second batch of sunflowers that should mature in 20-30 days. Some of the little guys are in the circular planter , at the edge. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-100, F8, 24mm, 1/80 sec, with the Speedlight 580 EX II camera mounted for fill.
Giant Sunflower – May 15, 2013
So this is one of the sunflowers in the previous post, about 1 week later. You can see all of the polen on the sunflowers leaf. I know, its another flower, and another bee. Might as well post this picture, rather than one where there is no bee, or fly, or other bug. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-50, F4, 200mm, 1/640 sec. I wanted to blow out the background, which meant shooting at a low f stop, (F4) which allows in a lot of light, hence the extremely fast shutter speed, the low ISO helps as well.
Giant Sunflowers – May 14, 2013
So…. This is what my side yard looked like last year. Lots of bare areas where the grass would not grow. Jazmin planted and raised these giant sunflowers. It was amazing to watch them grow, then bloom, and follow the sun each and every day. Canon 5D Mark II, ISO-50, F8, 40mm, 1/80 sec. Shot from the kitchen window.