Photo a Day Challenge

GoDaddy’s New Tempe Call Center – February 15, 2014

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More infrastructure. PVC pipe for electricial, or data ?? This area is closest to the 101 access road, and Warner.

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Lots of steel on the ground, and within the building. There is a crane inside to help lift the steel in place. This is the southwest corner of the jobsite. Warner and South River Parkway. Yes I added the moon.

GoDaddy Aerial

LOL – This image is on GoogleMaps right now.

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This image was shot from the north west area of the jobsite. Notice window frames are in place in the north end of the building.

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This image is by the job trailer. The north east end of the job site. Window frames in some of the window openings, and you can see that the steel is starting to march into the last 3rd of the building.

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This trailer just relocated from the north east corner of the jobsite, up against the 101 access road, to being up against the fence line along Warner. I “tagged” the Ryan trailer with the Go Daddy Dude!!, and it is getting cleser to “Go Time!”


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