GoDaddy’s new Tempe Call Center – August 20, 2013
Wide angle view from the right of the water tower.
Wide angle view from the left of the water tower.
Trenches with wrapped DIP (ductile iron pipe) water line for pottable water and to feed fire hydrants, and fire sprinker systems.
Another open trench with DIP. The trench will be back filled with dirt once it passes inspection. The pipe is incased in a plastic sleeve which helps the DIP last longer, corode less in alkaline soil. If I remember correctly, clorine tablets are put in each section of the DIP, so once water in introduced it will disinfect all the pipe, and attached water lines.
Lots of equipment on the job site today. The rights tool for the right job! Go Daddy Guy added in post production.
You can see the rebar poking up from some footers. SAFETY FIRST. You can tell all the rebar has plastic caps or 2×4 studs to help eliminate anyone getting impaled on them.
All of the plastic (white) pipes are for water, or they are grey for electrical conduit. Basically “Infrastructure”. I’m sure they are color coded.
Storage by the job trailers.
This shot was taken from the area by the green and yellow Ryan trailer, over the fence off the access road for the 101.
This shot was taken from the area by the green and yellow Ryan trailer, over the fence off the access road for the 101, closer to the corner of Warner.
This is the best photo to see the “abc” or gravel which will sit under the slabs, or foundation. Probably 1-2 weeks away from pouring the slabs. It looks a lot different in just one week. All images shot with the Canon 5D Mark II, EF 24-105 F4 IS L lens, ISO-50, F8, 1/200 sec, various focal lengths.
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